High Level Pseudocode


  • learn what pseudocode is
  • learn how to use it to break down problems into discrete operations


High-level pseudocode is used to break a large general probelm into smaller chunks / operations / statments about what the computer should do next.

Pseudocode example: Pour water into a glass

Instruct a robot to pour water from a bottle into a glass.

Exercise: How to Make a PB&J Sandwich (10 minutes / 0:15)

Pair up and write down your pseudocode.

**Here's one approach to solving our problem** ``` PROGRAM MakePB&JSandwich: Grab a paper plate; Open bread container; Grab bread package; Untwist bread package; Open bread bag and remove two slices; Place slices on paper plate; Grab a plastic knife; Open peanut butter jar; Use knife to scoop out peanut butter; Apply peanut butter to one slice of bread; Spread peanut butter on slice; Place knife on plate; Close peanut butter jar; Open jelly bottle; Squeeze jelly onto second bread slice; Close jelly bottle; Place down jelly; Pick up knife; Spread jelly on slice; Bring two slices of bread together; Cut slices in half down the middle; Throw knife in the trash; Pick up one half of sandwich; Enjoy; END. ``` > A. This example's sequence is very thorough! However, we are still assuming certain conditions that our utensils or ingredients already exist. What if we are out of plates? Will we grab a napkin instead to place our sandwich on? What if we are out of jelly? Will you throw the sandwich away or eat it with just peanut butter?

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