Intro To jQuery


  • Describe jQuery and its purpose as a JavaScript library
  • Understand the benefits and drawbacks of using jQuery.
  • Practice using jQuery selectors

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a 3rd-party library that is intended to make front-end development tasks --- particularly those involving DOM selection and manipulation --- easier, faster, and more fun.

But wait, what do we mean by 'library'?

A library is a collection of reusable functions that serve a particular purpose. The great thing about libraries is that we're using code that solves common problems, thus avoiding reinvention of the wheel.

So, as a library, what does jQuery offer us?

jQuery helps us manipulate the DOM, allowing us to perform complex manipulations using less code with less hassle. jQuery's syntax was developed to mimic CSS selector syntax, making code easier to develop, read, and manage; also, the syntax is more concise, and jQuery solves many cross-browser compatibility issues for us.

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