Intro to Browser Javascript

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the role Javascript plays alongside HTML and CSS
  • Describe the DOM

Framing (5 minutes / 0:05)

We've dabbled with HTML and CSS. There's a bit of interactivity we can program through CSS but not nearly enough! How can we start to add logic, data-handling and behaviors to our web apps? Enter Javascript.

If a web application or website were a building...

HTML: Structure and Content

HTML would be like the most stripped-down version of that building -- just the structure of the building, the building materials, and some content (maybe unfurnished offices, an empty classroom, a set of not-yet-operational bowling-lanes, etc).

CSS: Styling

CSS is responsible for the appearance of the building, adding granite floors, polished doors, wooden railings, etc. CSS styles the content of a website to look like more than just black text on a white background.

Javascript: Behavior & Functionality

Javascript might be like the building's elevator systems, ID-scanning & entry systems. Javascript handles interactivity and data.

5 minutes exercise. 5 minutes review.

Spend 2 minutes playing with Cookie Clicker. Think about how the page responds to your actions. What is allowing these behaviors to exist?

Spend 3 minutes comparing your individual findings in pairs. With your partner, write down three features that you think are powered by Javascript.



Javascript allows us to write code that is executed in response to user interaction

  • Clicking the cookie: increment the cookie total
  • Liking something on Facebook: increment Like counter
  • Submitting a Facebook comment: submit comment, appended to post

No Refreshes ➡ 👍 User Experience

Cookie Clicker updates the page without requiring a full refresh, making for a smoother user experience

  • When I click a cookie, Cookie Clicker is able to update the counter without a hard refresh
  • When I comment on a post, Facebook is able to process the new comment and render it without refreshing the entire page

What is the DOM?

  • Abstraction layer of what is actually happening on the browser screen ( model of the document )

  • Alerts javascript to changes in the state of the HTML (events)

  • Allows javascript programs to change the state of the HTML and CSS (document object)

  • An "API" or interface to the browser screen from javascript

  • Connects the networking part to the javascript part of the browser (so that we can connect that part to the screen)

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