WDI Singapore Install Fest

For the first portion of the class, we'll be working exclusively inside of the browser. We'll be installing the following tools.

  • Slack
  • Homebrew
  • Git

If you already have some tools and software installed that are similar to below, it will be more conveient for you to switch over than it will be for you to try to go ahead with your current versions.

Hidden Files

With a finder window open, set your finder to display hidden unix files by default:

cmd + shift + .


We will be using slack to communicate throughout the course. You should've received an invite to our channels via e-mail. You can login via the web browser, but downloading / installing the app is highly recommended.

Download Slack


Homebrew is a package manager that we will use to install various command line tools in our class.

Open up terminal, and paste the following command to install Homebrew. You might be prompted to install XCode Command Line Tools during the install process.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

You may be prompted to installed XCode command line tools. When prompted, click and install through that, and you're homebrew installation will continue.

After the installation process, run the command brew doctor. If any warnings or errors are displayed, we will need to resolve them before proceeding with the rest of the install fest.


Speaking of Xcode, install Xcode through the App Store. Link here


Before we do this process, please make sure you have signed up for an account on Github. We will be installing a version of GIT from home brew and also configuring it.

To install GIT

brew install git

Configuring GIT

Using your email credentials for GIT, run these commands with your user and email configured.

git config --global user.name "YOUR-USERNAME"
git config --global user.email "YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS"
git config --global push.default simple
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain


We'll be running Sublime, as our text editor of choice.

Download and install the latest version https://www.sublimetext.com/

Run sublime from your command line

Setting up the bash shell for sublime (and other stuff)

do you have any other shell configuration files in your home directory? ls -la ~ If you have something named .zshrc, .bashrc, .bash_profile Take the contents out of this file and put it in the new one we are creating. Then delete the old file.

Find the location of your copy of sublime from the terminal:

ls -la /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl

Should run without errors.

If not, make sure to change this location reference in the code below, or move your copy of sublime to the correct location.

File Setup

Create a new shell config file.

touch ~/.profile

Put this code inside:

export PS1="\[\033[36m\]\u\[\033[m\]@\[\033[32m\]\h:\[\033[33;1m\]\w\[\033[m\]\$ "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad
alias sublime="/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl"
export VISUAL=sublime

function subledit() {
  sublime ~/.profile

function profilerefresh() {
  echo "Refreshing your configuration."
  source ~/.profile

Run this on your terminal:

echo '[[ -s ~/.profile ]] && source ~/.profile' >> ~/.zprofile

Testing Open a NEW Terminal window and run:

sublime ~/Documents

to open the entire current directory

sublime .

Install the sublime packagecontrol library

Package Control allows you to add new functionality to sublime.


Use the class Preferences.sublime-settings file:


Open sublime and use the menu bar to go to: Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings

On the right window (Preferences.sublime-settings), earse the current contents of the file and paste in the entire contents of the file from the link above.

Using Package Control


Package Control is driven by the Command Palette. To open the palette, press ctrl+shift+p (Win, Linux) or cmd+shift+p (OS X). All Package Control commands begin with Package Control:, so start by typing Package.

Set Sublime to use editorconfig files

  • cmd+shift+p type in Package Control: Install Package (auto-complete will help you) and press return
  • type in editorconfig to install the package

Get the .editorconfig file:


Create a file named .editorconfig exactly, and save it in your home directory:

cd ~
touch .editorconfig
sublime .editorconfig

Paste the contents from the above link into the file.

Get the .gitignore file


Create a file named .gitignore exactly, and save it in your home directory.

cd ~
touch .gitignore
sublime .gitignore

Paste the contents from the above link into the file.

Set Sublime to run as your git commit message editor


ls -la /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl

Should run without errors.


git config --global core.editor "/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl -w"

Optional: install some other sublime packages:

  • ColorPicker (pick colors by typing COMMAND + SHIFT + c, handy for CSS)
  • Color Highlighter (visually displays colors for hex/rgb values)
  • GitGutter (shows git additions/deletions)
  • BracketHighlighter (highlight brackets and tabs)


Install the floobits sublime extension:

  • cmd+shift+p type in Package Control: Install Package (auto-complete will help you) and press return
  • type in floobits to install the package
  • click to automatically create an account
  • cmd+shift+p type in Package Control: Install Package (auto-complete will help you) and press return
  • type in floobits complete sign up this will take you to the floobits website and prompt you to sign up.

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