Browser Side React

We will use react library to manage the DOM in the browser without using the document variable in the javascript.

React Benefits

  • clear separation of data and 'presentation'
  • cleaner than DOM manipulation
  • split your page code up into 'components'
  • installable components with npm

JSX Transpile

babel is the tool that takes jsx and transforms it into React.createElement.

Getting started

We will implement the webpack asset pipeline for the jsx code we need to write in this unit.

Use this branch:

Look at what we added:

  • @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx npm library that can transform jsx to javascript
  • .babelrc file that tells babel to transform jsx using this library
  • react added as a dependency to our project
  • change the main file from js to jsx, and put a react component inside

Jsx causes a browser error.

Open your chrome dev tools and paste this in. What do you see? What happens?

class Banana extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
          <div>Hello world</div>

Building index.jsx

Run the example app: npm run build node index.js Visit http://localhost:3000 Open the generated main.js file. Scroll to the bottom. What do you see?

Add one new element in the div: <p>wow</p>. Rerun the build command. How does that change the main.js file?

Pairing Exercise

Clone the react repo into a named folder:

$ git clone jsx-intro

Check out the jsx branch:

$ git checkout 2-react-jsx-intro

Add a root element to the page

<div id="root"></div>

Render the component


Repeat the above.


In the return, create more complicated elements by adding them one at a time:

    <li>my item</li>
    <li>another item</li>
      <a href="/hahah">click me</a>

How does this affect main.js?


touch form.jsx

Write an input component in form.jsx. Don't forget to export this component.

Import this file into index.jsx and use the component inside.


Make more nested components and files for each component.

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