React Views With Data

Conditional Rendering

Sometimes we want to decide to render something based on a variable.

We can put this code directly above the return statement, or we could also write it in another function.

var React = require('react');

class Home extends React.Component {
  render() {

    let message = "welcome!";

    if( name.length > 5 ){
      messgae = "welcome! What a long name you have!";

    return (
        <h1>Hello, { }!</h1>
        <h1>{ message }</h1>

module.exports = Home;


The ES6 array method map allows us to return an array.

We can use map to create HTML in a loop.

Say we have the following context given to our jsx template.

var context = {
  people: [
    "Yehuda Katz",
    "Alan Johnson",
    "Charles Jolley"
var React = require('react');

class Home extends React.Component {

  render() {

    const people = person => {
      return <li>{person}</li>

    return (

module.exports = Home;

HTML Attributes

HTML attributes in react are written without the quotes by default:

<img src={pokemon.img} />

If you need to do string interpolation, create another variable:

let formAction = '/pokemon/' +;
<form action={formAction}>

CSS class names are set with className instead of class

<p className="banana">yes</p>

Pairing Exercise

Create your app

mkdir react-views2
cd react-views2
npm init
npm install express
npm install express-react-views react react-dom
touch index.js
mkdir views
touch views/home.jsx

Import some practice data

touch google.json

Paste the google shopping object into the json file:

Make sure it worked ok, put this in your app.get:

jsonfile.readFile('google.json', (err, obj) => {
  console.log("OBJ ITEM ID~~: "+ obj.items[0].id );
  // put render here

Which should log an item id for you out to the terminal. This ensures you have proper access to the products.

Render a single product object in react

Implement an express route /first - it creates an HTML page with the first user in the array products.items[0].

This template should display at least 2 data fields for this item.


Display the tax of the stock availablity:

<p>Tax: {tax}</p>

Some of the inventories records will not have a tax field. If the inventory is missing the tax field, don't render the p tag at all.

Render Multiple Items in a Loop

Implement an express route /items - it creates an HTML page with all of the items.

This will be a <ul> with an <li> for each item.

Use the map syntax above to render the list.

This template should display the title for each item.

Render More Data

Display the title, description and the inventory stock availability.


Render the rest of the data in the object.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""