We've covered an app from before unit 1, up to the beggining of unit 1.
Let's look back at the AJAX javascript from the end of unit 1:
Change the script.js
file to include the code below:
// what to do when we recieve the request
var responseHandler = function() {
console.log("response text", this.responseText);
console.log("status text", this.statusText);
console.log("status code", this.status);
// make a new request
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
// listen for the request response
request.addEventListener("load", responseHandler);
// ready the system by calling open, and specifying the url
var url = "https://swapi.co/api/people/1";
request.open("GET", url);
// send the request
AJAX to our own express server
Change the url
variable in script.js
to something else:
var url = "";
Create a route that accepts this request:
app.get('/banana', (request, response) => {
const data = {
cucumber : "bacon",
rice : "mango"
See it in the Browser:
Now, make the request from ajax in the browser.
pairing exercise
Set up your express app.
Create a route /somehtml
that renders a jsx file.
Add a script
tag to your jsx.
<script src="/something.js"></script>
Create something.js
in your public folder.
Run the above code.
Pick a route in your express app that renders jsx. Run curl
to see the response of your server to html
curl localhost:3000/somehtml
Run curl
to see the JSON response.
curl localhost:3000/banana
Get the IP address of your partner and make the curl request to them.
See their AJAX page in your browser.
Change your browser side javascript. Render the response of the AJAX request in the browser using DOM manipulation.
Install pg
and make the pool
variable. Hook the route banana
up to a DB SELECT
query. In the response of the request, send back the query result data.
Add likes:
Use one of your previous assignments that has user login.
A like is a join table from a resource (tweet, post, song, etc.) and a user.
Create the table for likes.
Create a route that will create a like.
- collect input from the user using an event in the DOM. (click event) the user clicks on a button or heart image
- get this input and put it in the AJAX request (the resouce id and the user id)
- use that part of the request to make your INSERT SQL query
- send the result back to the browser in the response
- when the response gets back to the bropwser, set the heart image to be filled in / change or give feedback in some way
A post request with AJAX looks like this:
var data = { "email": "khai@user.com", "phone": "345678655"};
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); // new HttpRequest instance
request.addEventListener("load", function(){
console.log( this.responseText );
request.open("POST", '/students');
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
Add comments (to songs, tweets, etc.) using AJAX.
Add editing of the resource using AJAX (PUT request)