Live Server

Digital Ocean

Cloud Server for your app.

Why we are doing this exercise

Computers connect to other computers on the Internet.

We want to get a computer in the cloud so that other people can connect to our special computer to see our content.

We also need to connect to our computer in the cloud to upload the content.


  1. Prepare a payment method - card or paypal

    (you will get free credits but the website registration will require those details)

Obtain Remote Server


  1. Obtain Server
  2. Get into Server - SSH

1. DigitalOcean Account, Free Credits

A. Click here to enter DigitalOcean via this specific link to get the free credits for Digital Ocean for free access when you are learning NodeJS Express

B. Click on the Sign Up button

C. You will be brought to the next page.

Near the top, it should say:

If you saw no such message, please ask someone for assistance right now:

  • Because without that message, the free credits will not come
  • Make sure you used the link above

2. Proceeding Into Your Email

A. Check your email

B. Click on the link inside the email

C. On the Payment Method Verification page, enter the details into the fields.

We are using the free credits. But Digital Ocean will still require those details.

D. Do not touch anything on this page. Do the next step now.

3. Free Credits!

A. Click this link to see it!

B. It should show:

4. Create Droplet

A. Create by using this link - click here

B. Some options to set:

  • Choose a datacenter region:
    • Singapore
  • Authentication
    • SSH Keys (My Best Practice)
    • One-Time Password (Will use for just today)
  • Finalize and create
    • How many Droplets?
      • 1 Droplet

About SSH Key:

5. Open Details

A. See your email for the details on IP Address and Password.

eg 987.654.321.987

6. SSH

A. Jump onto the Command Line - the Terminal - again

B. Time to do the real SSH

ssh root@987.654.321.987

After that, since we chose the Password method above, we will need to paste the password.

C. After you submit, you should see this:

7. This is a computer

Do some terminal commands on this computer to see how it works.

ls -la
touch hello.txt
Do some more terminal commands

8. Make a server

npm install -g http-server

Allow connections on that port in the droplet

sudo ufw allow 3000
mkdir mystuff
cd mystuff
echo "wow my name" >> myname.txt
http-server -p 3000

Check to see if you can make requests to your server


curl 987.654.321.987:8080/myname.txt

8. Final

Deploy Code

cd ~
git clone
cd express-basic
npm install
node index.js 3000


Visit your app. (don't forget the port)

curl <IP to your droplet>

Visit your site in the browser. (using the IP address)

Send the address to your app to your partner in slack.


permanently run your server
node index.js &

Puts the server in the background.

You can now log out of the server with exit and it stull runs: exit

Stop it
ps -ax | grep node

find the process id- the number in the far left column

kill -9 <process id>

Project Deployment

Take one of your unit 2 assignments. Deploy it to digital ocean.

Begin by cloning the app into your droplet like the example above.

Note: Depending on the assignment, you may need to use the terminal to install the postgres DB server. Refer to the installation instructions in the gitbook for linux.

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