Asset Pipeline and Front-end in Rails


  • Incorporate JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, images, and other static files into a Rails application
  • Understand the Asset Pipeline
  • Utilize helper methods/tags for including static resources
  • Use gon to pass data to the front-end

We can work with JavaScript, CSS, and images in Rails just like we did in our front-end only projects. Rails uses the concept of an Asset Pipeline to handle pre-processing and loading of static assets. The "Rails way" is to put all of your assets (JavaScript, CSS/SASS, images) in the assets folder. Just do it!


To load JavaScript files in Rails we simply create .js files in the app/assets/javascripts directory and Rails will automatically load them in the head of the page using <script> tags.

To adjust the load order, we can add the scripts along with the //= lines at the bottom of application.js


application.js is used to load other JavaScript files and allows us to change the load order of the files. You CAN put JavaScript code directly in this file. But it's best practice to avoid this and use separate files as before.

At the bottom of application.js there are a few lines that look like comments and start with //= these are used to specify which files to load and in what order. The last line (//= require_tree .) loads all of the files in the javascripts directory that aren't loaded explicitly above.

For example, if we had a file called importantScript.js in our javascripts directory and we needed it to be loaded first we could simply do something like this...

//= require 'importantScript.js'
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require_tree .

Rails includes a package called Turbolinks, which provides some optimization for our sites by minimising the amount of the page that is redrawn between requests. It's clever but can cause issues if we are expecting js/jquery page ready events to fire.


Rails uses SASS, which is a preprocessor for CSS that allows us to use some additional features that standard CSS doesn't support. These files end with the .scss file extension and are processed on the server (back-end) before they are sent to the user/browser as plain CSS.

Learn SASS here: SASS

Just like with JavaScript, Rails will auto-load any CSS or SCSS file that are in app/assets/stylesheets.

Also, similar to JavaScript we can adjust the load order by editing the bottom of application.css, and again we should avoid putting CSS directly in this file.


We can load images by placing them in app/assets/images and using the rails image_tag helper to load them for us.

Images in views (erb)

If we have a file app/assets/images/pic.jpg we can display it in an erb file like this:

<%= image_tag 'pic.jpg' %>

We can also get a string of the image URL/path by calling image_url or image_path.

Images in CSS (using SCSS)

We also have access to a image_url helper method in scss files. It will be used in place of the standard css url('/path/to/image.jpg') format.

.some-class {
  background-image: asset-url('pic.jpg');

NOTE: make sure the file is named scss and not just css. The css files are served to the browser as-is (no pre-processing), but scss are run through the sass pre-proccessor first which will run the image_url method and insert the correct image path.

Additional Reading

Pairing Exercise

Use the (user-songs)[] rails app, or use one of yours.

Part 1: SASS setup

Make sure the file has .scss extension (or .sass for Sass syntax). If you have just generated a new Rails app, it may come with a .css file instead. If this file exists, it will be served instead of Sass, so rename it:

mv app/assets/stylesheets/application.css app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss

Create a file and put some SASS code in it

touch app/assets/stylesheets/stuff.scss


Import it in application.scss

@import 'stuff'

Warning: you can't use the file extention of the sass file in your import Warning: the order of the import statements matter.

Asset Pipeline

Inside of your config file: config/environments/development.rb:

Check out the asset pipeline options: Switch each of these and see how your assets change.

When debug mode is off, Sprockets concatenates and runs the necessary preprocessors on all files. With debug mode turned off the manifest above would generate instead:

config.assets.debug = false

When this option is true, digests will be generated for asset URLs. Put this option in to see what happens.

config.assets.digest = false

See what assets precompile does:

Before you run precompile you have to have the yarn library installed.

npm install -g yarn
rails assets:precompile

Look in the place where rails actually serves the compiled assets from:

ls -la public/assets
Static Assets

Rails is smart enough to put in the proper urls when it's a SASS file.

Choose an image file. Name it pic.jpg and put it in app/assets/images

Output an image_url in the view template to see where it goes.

<%= image_url 'pic.jpg' %>

Make an image tag with the url

<img src="<%= image_url 'pic.jpg' %>"/>

Install bootstrap

According to the instructions:

Add bootstrap to your Gemfile:

gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.1.0'
bundle install

Make some changes in app/assets/stylesheets/application.css:

Take out all require statements. ( they look like comments, but they are actually looked at by the pipeline system)

Import Bootstrap styles:

// Custom bootstrap variables must be set or imported *before* bootstrap.
@import "bootstrap";

bootstrap javascript & dependencies

Bootstrap JavaScript depends on jQuery. Add the jquery-rails gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'jquery-rails'

Bootstrap tooltips and popovers depend on [popper.js] for positioning. The bootstrap gem already depends on the popper_js gem.

Add Bootstrap dependencies and Bootstrap to your application.js:

//= require jquery3
//= require popper
//= require bootstrap-sprockets

Style Our App

Use SASS to style our pages. Gitbook page here:

The available variables can be found here.

Bootstrapify the song list.


<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <table class="table table-striped">
          <th scope="col">#</th>
          <th scope="col">title</th>
          <th scope="col">created</th>
      <% @songs.each do |song| %>
          <td><%= %></td>
          <td class="song-title"><%= song.title %></td>
          <td><%= song.created_at.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') %></td>
      <% end %>

New Form:

Let's make some changes to the new form to conform with the bootstrap form.

You shouldn't need any additional styles for this page if your markup and classes use bootstrap.

Index Page

Make the top part of our index page a bootstrap jumbotron:

Make sure it has a container and row bootstrap class div around it. (like the table markup below)

In app/assets/stylesheets make a new stylesheet song-index.scss and import it in application.scss.

In the new SASS file set a background image for the jumbotron. SASS and Rails are smart enough to put figure out that you want an asset image in your css:

background-image: asset-url('pic.jpg');

You can also use one from

Javascript in rails

Add functionality that will take all of the items in your index list and arrange them- but on the front end - using DOM manipulation.

Add a button

<button id="submit" type="button" class="btn">sort</button>

Add the listener:

var doSort = function(){

window.onload = function(){

The function doSort should use DOM manipulation to take all the items out and put them back in sorted.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""