
Asset pipeline, but in javascript.

Webpack Benefits

  • use npm / package.json to manage app dependencies
  • installable browser code libraries with dependencies
  • use import to manage multiple application files

Getting started

We will implement the webpack asset pipeline for the code we need to write in this unit.

Run the example app: npm run build node index.js Visit http://localhost:3000 Open the generated main.js file. Scroll to the bottom. What do you see?

Import an npm library

npm install cat-ascii-faces

Look inside the package.json file:

sublime package.json

Look inside the npm library storage directory to see the actual library:

ls -la node_modules

Browse the code:

sublime node_modules/cat-ascii-faces/.

Put code in src/client/index.js that runs the library.

import cats from 'cat-ascii-faces'

console.log(cats()) // returns a random cat

Build the file:

npm run build

Look inside the main.js file. What's changed?

import vs require

Basically require was invented with nodejs and expanded from there. import is meant to be agnostic.

Pairing Exercise

Clone the react repo into a named folder:

$ git clone https://github.com/wdi-sg/react-reference.git webpack-intro

Repeat the above.


Just like in unit 2, create a module and import it in the src/client/index.js file.

(look up how to make a module here: https://wdi-sg.github.io/gitbook-2019/04-server/01modules.html )


Look here: https://wdi-sg.github.io/gitbook-2019/04-server/01npm.html for more npm packages to install. Not all of them will work.

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