
Complex data definitions

We want to be able to encapsulate data definitions that are more complicated than a single value.

Object Syntax

Objects are useful because we can specify/name the keys to represent the data we want to hold.

var person = {
  name: 'Chee Kean',
  weight: 231,
  height: 1.7

Thus we are most likely saying that a second person will contain the same types of data, (the same keys) but with different values (a different name)


var friend = {firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe"}



var myKey = 'firstName';

// friend.myKey *will not* work

Objects represent another "secondary" kind of data- an object, with its myriad kinds of data inside can itself represent one data point (a friend for example).

More complicated structures

Objects can be inside of other objects. This will be determined by the structure of data you want.

var employee = {
  name : "Chee Kean",
  wages : {
    scheduledWeeklyHours : 40,
    rate: 15
  contact : {
    phone : "87665434",
    address : {
      street : "259 Cantonment",
      unit : "12-12",
      zipcode : "2345566"

// Chee Keans phone number

// Chee Keans house unit

Objects as Input Data

var totalShapeSurface = function( shape1Height, shape1Width, shape1Depth, shape2Height, shape2Width, shape2Depth ){
  var totalHeight = shape1Height + shape2Height;
  // ... calculate other stuff
totalShapeSurface( 12, 34, 12, 46, 67, 66 );


var totalShapeSurface = function(shape1, shape2){

  var totalHeight = shape1.height + shape2.height;
  // ... calculate other stuff

var shape1 = {

totalShapeSurface( shape1, shape2 );

pairing exercise

Run the above examples.

What other kinds of data would be well represented by an object? List them.


Write the lines of code to access each piece of data about the employee.


Change the wage example to take an object instead:

Each employee makes a different wage per hour.

var employeePay = {
  wage: 15,
  hours: 40

Use this object as the input value to calculate the monthly salary.


Use the employee object above to calculate their monthly wage.


var employeePayScales = {
  junior : {
    basePay : 15,
    bonus : 10
  midLevel : {
    basePay : 25,
    bonus : 30
  executive : {
    basePay : 55,
    bonus : 50

var employee = {
  name : "Chee Kean",
  wages : {
    scheduledWeeklyHours : 40,
    level : "midLevel"
  contact : {
    phone : "87665434",
    address : {
      street : "259 Cantonment",
      unit : "12-12",
      zipcode : "2345566"

Use these two objects to calculate Chee Kean's pay.


Copy and paste the object below into your code.

console.log the following:

  • product image id

  • tweet user friends count

var product = {
  "product": {
    "id": 632910392,
    "title": "New product title",
    "body_html": "<p>It's the small iPod with one very big idea: Video. Now the world's most popular music player, available in 4GB and 8GB models, lets you enjoy TV shows, movies, video podcasts, and more. The larger, brighter display means amazing picture quality. In six eye-catching colors, iPod nano is stunning all around. And with models starting at just $149, little speaks volumes.</p>",
    "vendor": "Apple",
    "product_type": "Cult Products",
    "created_at": "2019-05-01T15:21:27-04:00",
    "handle": "ipod-nano",
    "updated_at": "2019-05-01T15:22:04-04:00",
    "published_at": "2007-12-31T19:00:00-05:00",
    "template_suffix": null,
    "tags": "Emotive, Flash Memory, MP3, Music",
    "published_scope": "web",
    "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Product/632910392",
    "variant": {
        "id": 808950810,
        "product_id": 632910392,
        "title": "Pink",
        "price": "199.00",
        "sku": "IPOD2008PINK",
        "position": 1,
        "inventory_policy": "continue",
        "compare_at_price": null,
        "fulfillment_service": "manual",
        "inventory_management": "shopify",
        "option1": "Pink",
        "option2": null,
        "option3": null,
        "created_at": "2019-05-01T15:21:27-04:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-05-01T15:21:27-04:00",
        "taxable": true,
        "barcode": "1234_pink",
        "grams": 567,
        "image_id": 562641783,
        "weight": 1.25,
        "weight_unit": "lb",
        "inventory_item_id": 808950810,
        "inventory_quantity": 10,
        "old_inventory_quantity": 10,
        "requires_shipping": true,
        "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/808950810",
        "presentment_price": {
            "price": {
              "currency_code": "USD",
              "amount": "199.00"
            "compare_at_price": null
    "option": {
        "id": 594680422,
        "product_id": 632910392,
        "name": "Color",
        "position": 1
    "image": {
      "id": 850703190,
      "product_id": 632910392,
      "position": 1,
      "created_at": "2019-05-01T15:21:27-04:00",
      "updated_at": "2019-05-01T15:21:27-04:00",
      "alt": null,
      "width": 123,
      "height": 456,
      "src": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0006/9093/3842/products/ipod-nano.png?v=1556738487",
      "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductImage/850703190"
var tweet = {
        "created_at":"Mon Apr 30 23:08:44 +0000 2018",
        "text":"Eli with the drip https://t.co/FlNgliReGv",
            "media": {
        "media":  {
                "variant":  {
    "source":"<a href=\"http://twitter.com/download/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone</a>",
        "name":"KANYE WEST",
        "created_at":"Thu Jul 22 23:00:05 +0000 2010",

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